Work Hard Play Hard. Jump Together.
花式跳繩是一項充滿活力且富有挑戰性的活動,需要一組參與者共同協調長繩的轉動,而他們的同事則輪流跳過這根繩子。這項活動不僅僅是一種體育鍛煉,更是一項極佳的團隊 Team Building 活動。參與者必須在活動中進行有效的溝通,確保每個人都能掌握繩子的節奏和速度,從而保持整體的協調性。
作為一項 Team Building 活動,花式跳繩要求團隊成員之間的高度協作。每位成員都需要精確地協調自己的動作,無論是轉繩的還是跳繩的,都必須在正確的時機做出正確的動作。這種協調不僅能提高個人的運動能力,還能增強團隊的整體默契。
此外,花式跳繩作為 Team Building 活動,還強調了互相支持的重要性。參與者在活動中需要相互鼓勵,提供建議,並在失誤時給予支持,這有助於建立團隊的凝聚力和信任感。這種支持性環境能夠激勵每個人不斷挑戰自我,並為實現小組目標而共同努力。
總之,花式跳繩不僅是一項有趣的體育活動,更是一種能夠促進團隊合作和增強團隊精神的理想 Team Building 活動。通過這項活動,參與者能夠在享受運動樂趣的同時,提升團隊的溝通能力和協作水平,從而在工作和生活中更好地合作。
Rope skipping is a dynamic and engaging activity that involves a group of participants working together to coordinate the turning of a long rope while their colleagues take turns jumping over it. This seemingly simple exercise is rich in complexity and offers numerous benefits beyond just physical fitness.
Participants must communicate effectively, ensuring that everyone is aware of the timing and rhythm required to keep the rope turning smoothly. This communication fosters teamwork and helps build strong interpersonal skills, as each member must listen and respond to the others’ cues.
Coordination is another critical aspect of rope skipping. The turners must synchronize their movements precisely to maintain a consistent speed and height of the rope, while the jumpers need to time their jumps perfectly to avoid tripping. This requires a keen sense of timing and spatial awareness, which can enhance participants’ overall motor skills.
Moreover, rope skipping encourages a supportive environment where participants motivate and assist one another to achieve the group’s goal. Whether it’s offering tips on improving technique or cheering each other on, the activity promotes a sense of camaraderie and mutual encouragement.
In addition to these social and cognitive benefits, rope skipping is an excellent cardiovascular workout that improves endurance, agility, and coordination. It is a versatile activity that can be adapted for various skill levels, making it accessible and enjoyable for people of all ages. Overall, rope skipping is not just a fun pastime but a valuable tool for personal and group development.
以跳繩 Team Building 遊戲為主題的好處?
Improved communication and collaboration
Enhanced problem-solving and critical thinking
Increased morale, trust, and camaraderie among team members
Opportunities for friendly competition and team bonding
Sports are fun and relaxing activities that allow team members to enjoy time away from work pressures.
武嘉琪 Dora Mo
- 英國特許高級人才發展教練及引導師(CMCF)
- TTI 國際認證顧問(EQ/SQ/DISC/DF)
- ACF 認證教練培訓導師
- 英國新特蘭大學香港分校認證教練培訓導師
Advanced Coaching Workshop
Workshop Objectives
By the end of this 1-day workshop, participants will be able to:
- Deepen their understanding of the fundamental principles and benefits of effective coaching in the workplace.
- Master the core coaching skills and techniques to enhance staff performance and team cohesiveness.
- Sharpen their sensitivity and develop strategies for navigating challenging leadership situations.
- Create personalized action plans to apply the learned coaching methodologies in their day-to-day roles.
Workshop Agenda
Situations & Practicing EQ Coaching
- Define what coaching is and how it differs from training, counselling & mentoring
- Introduction to the GROW model (Goal, Reality, Options, Will)
- Principles of effective coaching: active listening, powerful questioning, and creating accountability
- Understanding the benefits of coaching for individual and team performance
- Practicing active listening and empathetic communication
- Facilitating goal-setting and action planning with staff
- Providing constructive feedback and positive reinforcement
- Coaching for behavioral change and performance improvement
- Strategies for building trust, fostering collaboration, and enhancing team dynamics through Rope Skipping team building activity
- Leveraging coaching to promote a culture of continuous learning and development
- Group discussions to identify common leadership challenges in the Treasury context
- Coaching approaches for managing difficult conversations and providing critical feedback
- Conduct EQ self-assessment to develop emotional intelligence and situational awareness
- Practise EQ coaching for motivating and leading teams through change and uncertainty
- Participants will create personalized action plans to apply the learned coaching skills
- Discussion of ongoing support, resources, and opportunities for further development
- Wrap-up, Q&A, and closing remarks
HKSAR Government’s Treasury professionals in Sep 2024
- 花式跳繩不但是高強度的有氧運動,還能按不同員工的體格調整運動強度,比其他運動更高效地強化員工的心肺功能,在短時間內強心健體。
- 花式跳繩既可一人亦可一起參與,按需要可在工餘時間運動身體,又可以與同事一起玩樂增進感情。
繩隊揚曾為嘉靈控股有限公司的聖誕活動中舉辦親子遊戲工作坊,讓員工及家屬在佳節中同樂,參加者除了能夠體驗花式跳繩外,亦可觀賞到Dynamic 5聖誕主題跳繩表演。
香港繩飛揚獲香港政府授權成為營商伙伴,並已列入電子系統名單的其中一個服務供應商。香港政府各部門可憑政府採購卡 (P-Card)付款,無需繳付訂金。
結算銀行:HSBC Hong Kong 香港上海匯豐銀行
商戶名稱:Vigor Skipping Hong Kong Limited
採購卡查詢電郵:[email protected]
# 歡迎政府機構及學校團體查詢「P-Card」。